That Damn Goat

That Damn Goat is a project that I currently work on part time through the Rochester Institute of Technology studio, Magic Spell Studios. The project is a 4 person local multiplayer game where players compete with one another to hold a crown for as long as possible. Players can play as multiple different characters and each character is able to use a unique ability to give them an edge on one another. There are also gadgets such as deployable walls and hang gliders that any player can pick up and utilize. Admist all the player driven chaos there exists a rouge entity known as the goat. This character, who is literally a goat, roams the enviorment among the players causing mayhem by knocking players down, knocking players across the map, changing the character of a player, and other heinous acts.
On the development team I have served as the Gameplay Programmer of this project since early June of 2020. Throught this time I helped build the project from the ground up with many of the game's central mechanics, such as gadget functionality or entity spawning, steming directly from my implementation. Additionally, during my time on the team, I have had an essential role in transforming the main mechanic of the game, from a mode where players had to collect items based on there charatcer, to another where players had to steal resources from one another to build a structure, to another mode where players had to tag each other with a projectile based attack, to the current system based around holding a crown for as long as possible. During my time on development I was additionally responsible for hosting play test sessions where the project leads could give feedback to aspects of the game such as gadgets or abilities.